The show chronicles the adventures of Rick, an alcoholic scientist, and his overly anxious grandson Morty, who alternate between interstellar travel and domestic family life.
Rick and Morty The Anime
The adventures of the Smith family, especially that of mad scientist Rick Sanchez, and his grandchildren, Summer Smith, 17, and Morty Smith, 14, are the focus of Rick and Morty: The Anime. Their parents, Jerry and Beth Smith (Rick’s daughter), disapprove of their travels. Parallel storylines, which take place between the fifth and sixth seasons of the main series (when portal travel is disabled), examine the last few months of the lives of Morty’s original father Jerry Prime and the alternate reality spacefaring hero “Space Morty” as Morty meets “time warrior” Elle. Throughout the show’s multiverse, various incarnations of the characters—including the bespectacled murderer President Morty Smith—occupy different dimensions, and their individual traits differ depending on the reality.