My Discord Server is Fully Loaded

I’ve never been much of a fan of Discord servers until I figured out how to build what I think is the perfect server. After yrs of on and off looking at many different servers, & much research and migraines over like a little over a month it’s basically here. Built for gamers / streamers / developers, misc. This server is literally meant to relieve anxiety. It’s a place to load up on all this nice info; much more preferable than via site, and provide a place where all of this could be discussed. This server could only keep improving.

About 45ish bots. Plenty of utilities/tools/fun mini games/newsfeeds/info, many reaction roles. Many Unreal Engine sources/info. A massive games LFG channel with all the top groups listed for each game using 3 different sources with the # number of members, followed by a main list with all the active ones with messages poppin’ off nearly every second. —- Now if you’re drivers are all up to date via nice Iobit or w.e, you know discord chat overlay with games is so nice, there’s no delay or glitch with it working. If you’re a fan of Terraria or w0w private servers or whatever, any game lacking chat you could easily add a nice “barrens-like” wow active chat to go with your game if you’d like, & maybe find new party members for Overwatch, Apex, Warzone, GTAV, Roblox, Minecraft(( ff I remember someone talking trash just bc they saw a Roblox or Minecraft icon in a pic; doesn’t mean I love them or play them, I could appreciate a few things of them )), I could go on and on, the works been done, I put a lot into this server. — This was all a fairly new addition added, it didn’t take nearly as much time to do as everything else.

Only counting the channels/forum not the categories — Looking at about 115 channels by the way. Easy to miscount. Levels/random pokemon/fishing etc

About 28 emurepacks info/downloads posted as well. – This too was also a fairly new addition. Took a lot of research, trial & error. Pretty much have every World of Warcraft emurepack ( didn’t add every 1, there have been quite a few that were frustrating and just did not work ), & several other games. After much stress I’ve already determined which small handful is awesome that I’d like to play with. For instance there’s absolutely nothing that the dinkledork ashen order discord server has that I don’t, word for word. I have every inch of it. —and adding my own custom notes & commands which I think is unbelievable how much places alike don’t pan things out better.  Everything just like retail. Chat. random guild invite/filling, lfg, bgs, arena, random bots around fighting, cities being attacked, able to set server to free for all with all of them, pvp everywhere; like gurubashi arena. Working honor system.

W0w like 4 solid packs , one for each expansion & even work on vps. It’s awesome building lvl 60s for vanilla, doing the same build/copying them over to tbc to actually enjoy the portal opening like old days again, all the wpvp that comes with it,bgs/arena/talent changes and doing the same thing for wotlk, and mop. See how long your shiny epics bis gear lasts when lvling, experience that feeling of them being replaced again and random wpvp of that era. Skip broken imbalanced cataclysm that shouldn’t of been made, only weird one with the 80-85 lvls & where paladins were op shockadins. Convenient learn every profession, shift click link add any item / quantity quick, learn all your class spells in one command. Spawn npcs/objects permanently,temporarily , & delete or save easy. Spawn the Ice Lord anywhere or in AV, or Onyixia, Ragnaros, whomever, & actually control them and their abilities. /who and get a full list of players online to actually whisper or invite for activities, play bgs and arena with them , and or your alt characters as well.

It’s not all about w0w, as far as games some what similar, Everquest 1 emurepack is actually pretty amazing too. I don’t think a lot of people know how amazing these few things are and how great the bots are. Got that AI, the control, gearing / looting situated. Think how having an awesome batch of addons makes a game too.

Server is called just subscribe to my Twitch with your monthly free subscribe provided courtesy of Amazon Prime and you’re 100% a member & if obviously a lot of members, something nice could be done with that free $, I like how the math is there if I had 1000+ subs or whatever, if invested good it’d be too easy to actually pay everyone. I like how dinkledork and azerothcore did a very pointless ban on me. At this server there’s no bans unless you’re ridiculous by spamming some cuss or something that’s obviously unproductive and could clearly see it deserves a ban. Best kind of bans is the ones that you and everyone actually understands, I don’t understand when it’s commonly a ban where no rule is broke and it’s literally just some single loner power crazy mod screwing the server up. — Could have a nice community with plenty of active chat, but not with dinkledork guys like that. Notice I don’t even capitalize the name.


–Must make sure your Twitch is linked to your Discord and that you subscribed.–

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