World of Warcraft Sucks

I don’t care I don’t have the energy to put much into this right now but it’s just unbelievable 20 yr on and off- never bought gold or botted.

2 cataclysm classic accounts banned when they were ready to pvp finally. 100% software free, each controlled with a separate xbox controller. Appeal ban – you just get a machine.  Imagine doing archaeology on each acc separately, getting lucky finding the mount, the scimitar, even destroyer of worlds all twice. & having engineering and tailoring maxed and ready to go.  All that time & messing with addons a complete waste. Only learned Blizzard is a piece of shit much like a lot of people on this planet – I bet anything toxic jealous people contributed and it makes you think, wow what a nice reporting system going. — It just seems like too much of a coincidence to me that I put in this work , & got this lucky; all those items, and this happens when I’m about done doing my grinds. & wow how skewed the internet clearly seems to be where my calculated name is clearly taking awhile to take off where as there’s many not as memorable names that have so much viewers……

I love it. – How you may read of streamers getting special treatment. Funny Blizzard doesn’t care what I have to say.

20 yr old game not even worth playing anymore, it”s insane the amount of gold that went into building those characters to be ready , & I love how thru it all I’ve seen nothing but people spamming carries / boosts / 1-525 prof lvling kits,  players reserving loot. I like how I put all that work in and on populated Faerlina I could say 3 messages looking for a warrior for arena, and get absolutely 0 whispers.

It’s funny & really puts it into perspective.

There just needs to be a new game that’s just a little bit like w0w but without the grind. I could picture everybody on the server doing tailoring & engineering, it’s a bit depressing like what’s the point if everybody is going to be built the same.

—— I know if I had a successful game going I’d have to have a better reporting system / customer service. This is just absurd how they provide 0 proof of anything. + It’s actually a known thing that there is a lot of bots and they have a habit of mass reporting anyone on the auction house that undercuts them – & I was making a lot of gold, so this is ridiculous. – Can’t get in touch with a human at all, nice service.

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