
Extramillion’s’ Spider iG0dX Unlocked Limitless Web Repack 20 yr Project – 2024 Version


Note – for your account creation / log in make sure you check your spam folder for that verification code. I have tested and seen other emails received in the primary not as spam too btw, just not too concerned with messing with some things arriving in spam right now.


– Requires hosting & a domain. I recommend Hostinger

You should atleast just get 2 domains or 3 to work with your 1, you’ll stress way less , way , way, way less.

— Get 20% cash back when purchasing a domain by utilizing Rakuten


Only accepting Ethereum payment via Metamask Chrome extension –  Cryptocurrency Reminder: Make sure you save your wallet info/secret words. – Only pay from your desktop.

Oga\’s new name is officially The Spider iG0dX, coincidentally named by the final database of them all.

The Spider iG0dX Project . Very happy how everything has turned out. Last few tests. Edit lower main descript later.

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This build is packing some serious features and functions behind it. 1. My favorite,  although it seems like a small part and fairly new to, I only whipped it up a little over a year ago, I\’ve been testing it relentlessly and it\’s been perfected, flawless,— Basically set up your own TV service with a library of over 13,000+; storage only a couple dollars a month, watch 24/7 at the cost of pennies utilizing the automatic random/shuffle feature(2$TB storage, $0.005 / GB bandwidth *delivered*key word, think about cache too & – think about how little it costs to even watch a 200kb 20 min episode video you do the math, bc that\’s roughly only what 720p and I\’ve seen 320/420p look like a 1080 idk that\’s weird, but 320/420p would be so much less kb). I got the tips and tricks. Every single position… across every single episode and every single series is saved down to the second, – you can stop watching with only 1 minute or whatever left and that spot will be remembered even if you skipped, unless you just drag the bar to end. Option to always resume on previous play or to always do a fresh shuffle. Cheaper the longer you watch because of cache, only billed what you watch, & able to turn a switch off when done among other settings; aka no $bill surprises, logs;stats/bill reflects 100% it\’s all you if you could worry a bit even with great security, & I experimented with settings and determined several different options for limit setting.  Drag the video bar where ever, play from any point clean no bug/glitch. Skip, rewind, forward, & a nice drop down selection menu able to do a quick swipe on it and see the selection roll thru for lack of words as if a bicycle is upside down and you do a quick swipe/spin on wheel, how it\’ll go off your specific force applied until it comes to a stop, – I like to think of that as a bonus to the shuffle option you may set. You may watch in order or shuffle. Lock your phone and unlock x amount of time later and you\’ll still be on the same episode position it\’ll be there waiting for you to resume. – Stay logged into account unless you close your browser.  Picture in picture mode works on mobile & desktop + phone screen mirror to Tv, your phone is like a nice remote then. I must have like nearly 2 years focused on situating the streams part. – Save your playlists & transfer them with ease, only a few minute job.

– It’s been 200% flawless mobile & desktop.

  • Themes – Astra Pro is the main; some children, & about a hundred extra themes/premium. Many of those themes are able to import many different site starter sites.
  • Lots and lots of templates
  • Lots and lots of widgets
  • Plugins – 46 out of 51 activated on Spider iG0dX.
  • Builder – Elementor Pro – Always working. Something of an Elementor master. I\’ve probably seen every bug/glitch ever and now it\’s so nice I just have it working all the time. Many extra Elementor addons in a nice folder if you\’d like to use them, I only have 1 official extra pro addons added out of like 20 of them.
  • Working site auto role change. AKA customer role buys product that is set to change their role upon purchase. New role member for example, grants permissions/access to view whatever.
  • Payments;stripe, paypal, all of them, membership renewals etc & and the best crypto payment system ever working. /check out fields edit
  • Shipping all taken care of/automatic calculated; flexible. Tax also may be auto calculated.
  • Accounts / authentication / profiles
  • Marketing/Networking ; Media
  • Ads / Affiliates , – easy affiliate links etc , ad inserter
  • Security; several things working
  • Write With AI
  • Forms / Polls / Newsletter / Emails / Contact
  • Database cleaner / Media Optimization / Cache settings
  • Yoast SEO Pro
  • Several different statistic charts to keep in mind
  • Site effects
  • Tons of fonts / colors / custom icons
  • Many different page/post formats
  • 1 click reset font/colors/effects back to clean slate
  • 1 click share to several different medias
  • Terms of use/ Privacy Policy pages etc.
  • Work more efficiently without utilizing \”staging\” I never liked that feature, always had issues with it.
  • Many different menu\’s & filters
  • Working search features/ & Ajax
  • Embed Youtube or other sites; whatever easily
  • Embed Media feeds
  • Music player plugins premium
  • Fv Player Lite
  • Woocommerce premiums
  • RSS feeds
  • Share/like; Reactions pro/post views/tag cloud/related posts/..etc
  • Forums
  • Comments
  • Reviews
  • Chat
  • Amazon Pro & Ebay Pro
  • Discord possibly working auto role change from site – maybe. – I know Discord connects to site & I could see the roles pop up just fine I\’m just held up on a little thing if it works. I know Twitch connects your subs to discord automatically unlocking a member only server.
  • Theme & plugin editor
  • Robots.txt
  • .htaccess
  • API Utility + Little bit of PHP/ general css / html
  • CDN
  • Tags;taxonomy
  • GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent
  • Integrate with Google Drive pro – Excellent
  • ……………………..

– I\’d have liked to provide an empty shell 13k video playlist to shuffle onto, but thanks to whomever coded the player not being able to mass replace entire links it\’s just not that simple and would be incredibly time consuming to do if you wanted to have that on the side as just some extra playlist to reference off of to other sources IDK why you\’d want this when it\’s really not expensive to watch and that would be less convenient. + I imagine it would slow you down with even trying to finish off your streams, it\’s best to just start from scratch and speed right thru set up. The mass link replacer is pretty much useless if you\’re already set up good, it\’s meant for those over at Vimeo or something I guess where they had some big security issues and many had to migrate to a different CDN.


Includes the Extra Files Folder – over 805 files. Select highly sought after premium / few freemium files all fresh 2024.  Mostly plugins, some themes, few databases (apparently a shows/movie & anime database). & Additionally a few minor extras. / &

  • Several great varying sources for things, a few
  • Adobe bundle, plugins
  • Bunch of select Discord bots commands pics organized
  • Some Vps guide just a bunch of commands and general stuff I found to be helpful
  • Other

Easy to navigate with a few keywords to type into folder search, decide if you want to use something from there or grab a fresher download. Some what pretty organized files/folders. The whole idea is the folder is like a giant safety net holding all the good stuff that would most likely work with Spider iG0dX because its all the somewhat same version.  & There is a plugin available to downgrade something if you needed to. Spider iG0dx advised to take baby steps when updating, you don\’t want to be all stressed out if something breaks, though it has been incredibly resilient over the years regardless of a few changes; It\’s been actively updated up to now. Guide notes will ensure you will be fine whatever you do………………..


Security Headers Score – , now an easy A+. — It’s not easy getting that A+ to happen but I’ve figured it out, and for the mean time I’m content with just being an A because 2 of the fairly new headers that were introduced causes some minor problems. – It’s not really needed.

Speed 100% A – a different scanner said.

Speed Score – I spent so much time starting over from scratch and messing with so many copies over the speed score. It\’s incredibly misleading and inaccurate. I\’ve only had to drop just a few plugins that wrecked the score regardless of not even being activated. Score is known to always be fluctuating. 99/98 , 94 / 88% desktop/ mobile with plugins activated, I\’ve seen the score randomly switch to solid 94 & that\’s with all plugins deactivated, nothing, how does an absolute fresh default start suddenly read 94 instead of 100 IDK. Now reading like 20/10 desktop-mobile %. I don\’t believe it, must be partially a security thing or something not on my end. I forget what it reads without the security I know it\’s a little different, it makes sense security would make that scan all wacky. I remember exactly how a slow site is from years ago, the admin panel/dashboard was even incredibly slow to work with, there\’s just no way this score reflects the true speed properly. Tired of looking into it.

All I know is it\’s pretty amazing I have streams running so flawlessly & secured,with that remembering working so fantastic. It makes up for the lack of having a perfect looking score on paper. & I mean flawless.


Legal Disclaimer – Everything including pro premiums is covered under GPL license. This is all open source. AKA I\’m allowed to provide all these files for free. Payment is for my guide. You could do the work yourself and figure it all out, or take the extra easy street and be handed this excellent bundle & compact quick easy to read guide.

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